Struggling to find the 1? Found it, but then can’t keep your steps in time?
Our collection of 5 online classes will help you find the beat and maintain your timing in salsa. Salsa music is quite complex and it can often be difficult to find which beat to use for your steps, so dancing in time is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. Different aspects of the music are clearly explained with examples and exercises to help you understand the music better, and to fit your steps to the different instruments.
Apart from these classes helping you to dance better in time, they will heighten your listening skills and help you to enjoy the music more. Although this is designed for those relatively new to learning salsa, it will be extremely useful if you have been dancing for a while, but are still struggling to keep your moves in time.
You will be sent links to access the videos and may view them as many times as you like (see T&Cs below).
When you check-out, you may conveniently pay by credit or debit card (via Stripe), but if you choose the “Direct Bank Transfer” payment option please use the bank details displayed in the check out process to make payment from your own bank account payable to Salsa Southampton. This is NOT automatic! You need to do this via your own banking.